Friday, February 18, 2011

This makes my heart smile

I have been reading a lot and learning a lot about Farm Sanctuaries lately. When I win the lottery someday, I would love to put money towards an existing sanctuary and work there. Maybe I would even open my own, but I would have much to learn before going in that direction.

I have watched this video quite a few times. Susie is an inspiration to me and just watching how the animals follow her to their new pastures makes my heart smile!

Farm Sanctuary is a wonderful organization that started in 1986 to bring awareness to the cruel practices of factory farming. They have rescued thousands of animals and have educated so many people about where their meat/dairy. We adopted a turkey from there last year and plan to support them again this year.


  1. Johnny just adopted a goat & piggy from CA Farm Sanctuary for us. I'll send pix when we get 'em and let you know when we make a trip to visit.

  2. The Watkins Glen NY sanctuary is amazing, for several years Ellie & I sponsored a cow named Lily and a pig named Shirley there. Unfortunately they are no longer with us but it feels good to know that for their last years we made it possible for them to be happy and healthy. As Ellie said above we just recently sponsored a goat and pig at the CA Farm Sanctuary (haven't received our packet yet so I don't know their names). Its also kind of cool to know that the couple that started Farm Sanctuary are also from DE. - Johnny

  3. I can't wait to see the pictures! Lorri Houston is one of the people who started Farm Sanctuary and she now runs Animal Acres where I have been volunteering at. She is a HUGE inspiration - I am sure I will blog about her sometime, too. She is truly amazing! I just ordered her ex-husband's book super cheap off of (he still runs Farm Sanctuary) Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food by Gene Baur
